Letter to SPRISTAD list (in behalf of the Steering Committee) Elitsa Tilkidzhieva 11 Apr 2023 09:29 CEST

Dear colleagues, i'm still interested.

Warm regards,
Elitsa Tilkidzhieva

Univ.-Ass. Mag. Elitsa Tilkidzhieva     
Co-Leiterin des Instituts für Ausbildungsforschung                   
Psychotherapeutin, Lehrtherapeutin (Integrative Gestalttherapie)
Sigmund Freud PrivatUniversität                                                 
Fakultät Psychotherapiewissenschaft                                               
Freudplatz 1
1020 Wien

+43 678 12 89 762

From: spristad@psychotherapyresearch.org <spristad@psychotherapyresearch.org> on behalf of Sven Schneider <sven.schneider@uni-ulm.de>
Sent: Saturday, April 8, 2023 12:30:22 PM
To: spristad@psychotherapyresearch.org <spristad@psychotherapyresearch.org>
Subject: Letter to SPRISTAD list (in behalf of the Steering Committee)

Dear SPR colleague,

At some time past you had indicated an interest in the SPR Interest Section on Therapist Training and Development (SPRISTAD), and joined as a member. During the recent pandemic, with most in-person meetings suspended, SPRISTAD's functioning was reduced to what was possible through occasional Zoom meetings of the Steering Committee, with the same officers retained for the duration. Now that we are entering a new period, we hope to resume regular SPRISTAD activities, such as a section meeting at the Dublin conference next June and the election of new Steering Committee representatives. To do this we need to update our membership list and determine who should receive ballots. Consequently, we are writing to ask if you are still interested in SPRISTAD membership. If you are, please indicate that by replying to this email by April 15th. If you are no longer interested, no reply is needed. Thanks!

Armin Hartmann, Chair

Ulrike Willutzki, Immediate Past-Chair

Thomas Schröder, Chair-Elect

David Orlinsky, Secretary (pro tempore)