Geoffrey Goodman
(20 Jun 2018 23:15 CEST)
Hunger-Schoppe, Christina
(21 Jun 2018 09:00 CEST)
Re: CAFTR News
Nick Midgley
(21 Jun 2018 11:06 CEST)
Re: CaFTR Re: CAFTR News
Javier Moran
(01 Jul 2018 18:33 CEST)
Re: CaFTR Re: CAFTR News
Nick Midgley
(02 Jul 2018 09:34 CEST)
Re: CAFTR News
Katharina Weitkamp MSH Hamburg
(02 Jul 2018 09:57 CEST)
licia reatto
(02 Jul 2018 11:20 CEST)
Katharina Weitkamp MSH Hamburg
(02 Jul 2018 13:49 CEST)
Geoffrey Goodman
(06 Jul 2018 15:39 CEST)
AW: CAFTR News Hunger-Schoppe, Christina (07 Jul 2018 09:10 CEST)
Javier Moran
(07 Jul 2018 09:10 CEST)
Dear all, thanks for the CAFTR meeting and the Wonderful time at the SPR Amsterdam as well. It was great to meet you all. I would love to see webinar on statistical Methods to be organized by our Group! Best wishes from Heidelberg, Christina ________________________________________ Von: <> im Auftrag von Geoffrey Goodman <> Gesendet: Freitag, 6. Juli 2018 15:39 An: Katharina Weitkamp MSH Hamburg; Betreff: CaFTR RE: CAFTR News Hi Folks, I want to thank everyone who attended the CAFTR meeting in Amsterdam. We had a wonderfully encouraging turnout, which we would like to build on for the SPR meeting in Argentina in 2019. Please work on various projects now in anticipation of submitting your work in December to present at next year's meeting! We are going to move ahead with trying to upload a webinar to the SPR website. We were thinking of an introductory webinar about the Child Psychotherapy Q-Set (CPQ) or a webinar about advanced statistical methods commonly used in psychotherapy research. If anyone has any other ideas for a possible webinar, please back-channel them to me. Thanks so much. I appreciate all the acquaintances I made and friendships I renewed last week. Geoff Geoff Goodman, Ph.D., ABPP, FIPA, CST, CSAT-S, CMAT-S, RPT-S Associate Professor Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program Long Island University 720 Northern Blvd. Brookville, NY 11548 (516) 299-4277 ________________________________________ From: [] on behalf of Katharina Weitkamp MSH Hamburg [] Sent: Monday, July 2, 2018 3:57 AM To: Subject: CaFTR Re: CAFTR News Hello, I would like to add to Nick's summary of our CAFTR meeting in Amsterdam, that we have quite a large number of new members on the e-forum. To support networking, we would like to send around an update of the member list that we collected in 2014-2016. If you would like to be added to the list or if something changed and you would like to update your information, please, fill in the attached form and send it BACKCHANNEL to me: I will circulate the updated list in about a month, to give you some time to fill in the form. Best wishes Katharina ________________ Dr. Katharina Weitkamp Methodische Leitung und Forschungskoordinatorin Zentrum für klinisch-psychologische Forschung und Familienforschung MSH Medical School Hamburg Am Kaiserkai 1 20457 Hamburg Tel.: 040-361 226 447<> ________________________________ Von: <> im Auftrag von Nick Midgley <> Gesendet: Montag, 2. Juli 2018 09:34 An: Betreff: Re: CaFTR Re: CAFTR News Dear CAFTR colleagues I just returned from Amsterdam, where the Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR) had its annual conference, including the largest ever set of panels about child, adolescent and family therapy - and a lunch-time meeting of the CAFTR group which was standing-room only! So exciting to see and hear about such great work... Javier mentioned the TREAT-ME project, which you can get more information about here:<> Forsiden - Treat me<> TREATme is building a European Network to improve our knowledge on Individualized Psychotherapy Treatment of Young People with Mental Disorders. There was also talk of possibly doing a joint CAFTR/TREAT-ME day linked to the next EU/UK SPR meeting, which will be in Krakow, Poland, in September 2019... I also wonder if members of this e-group who presented at the conference might want to share copies of their talks? In case people are interested, I'm attaching a copy of the slides from the talk I gave, about the Reflective Fostering Programme... We've got a paper in press about this, which I'll circulate when it comes out. Best wishes, Nick ________________________________ Dear colleague, to unsubscribe please use the following URL: Dear colleague, to unsubscribe please use the following URL: