Short Term Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy for Adolescents - new publication!
Nick Midgley
(07 Nov 2016 22:22 CET)
Re: CaFTR Short Term Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy for Adolescents - new publication!
Alison Roy
(07 Nov 2016 22:23 CET)
RE: CaFTR Short Term Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy for Adolescents - new publication!
(09 Nov 2016 14:09 CET)
RE: CaFTR Short Term Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy for Adolescents - new publication! Randi Ulberg (09 Nov 2016 11:38 CET)
Re: CaFTR Short Term Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy for Adolescents - new publication!
Orya Tishby
(09 Nov 2016 20:48 CET)
Re: CaFTR Short Term Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy for Adolescents - new publication!
Tracy A. Prout
(10 Nov 2016 00:57 CET)
RE: CaFTR Short Term Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy for Adolescents - new publication!
Nick Midgley
(10 Nov 2016 08:22 CET)
(no subject)
Ariadna Perez
(14 Nov 2016 08:47 CET)
Karin Ensink
(14 Nov 2016 15:11 CET)
Dear colleagues, Great news that the IMPACT psychoanalytic treatment manual are published. Congratulations! In the FEST-IT (First Experimental Study of Transference interventions - In Teenagers) we have been fortunately allowed to use the manual. At the moment 65 of the planned 100 patients are included. We have used the manual as basis for the therapist training program and as background in clinical discussions during the treatment period. The therapists in FEST-IT have also had the opportunity to meet and discuss with the manual authors which has helped securing the treatment adherence, especially the time-limited aspect. When we finally can publish results, I think we will also have the possibility to compare the FEST-IT results to the IMPACT study and hopefully, as our brick in the wall, help build a more coherent evidenced base in child- and adolescent psychotherapy. Best wishes, Randi >-----Original Message----- >From: [mailto:list- >] On Behalf Of Nick Midgley >Sent: Monday, November 07, 2016 10:22 PM >To: >Subject: CaFTR Short Term Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy for Adolescents - >new publication! > >Dear colleagues > > > >I wanted to share the good news that Karnac have just published our >treatment manual for short-term psychoanalytic psychotherapy for >adolescents with depression - > > > > >psychotherapy-for-adolescents-with-depression-a-treatment-manual/37420/ >< >psychotherapy-for-adolescents-with-depression-a-treatment-manual/37420/> > > > >The manual has already been used in two studies - the IMPACT RCT study in >the UK (findings to be reported before xmas, I hope), and Randi Ulberg's >FEST-IT study in Norway, a smaller-scale RCT looking at the role of >transference interpretation in psychoanalytic therapy with depressed >adolescents. (Perhaps Randi can give us an update on progress with this >study?). > > > >Although the main findings haven't yet been published, we've also got a few >recent publications from the qualitative arm of IMPACT, known as IMPACT- >ME - happy to send pdfs back-channel if people are interested in any of the >following: > > > >Midgley, N., Isaacs, D., Weitkamp, K. and Target, M. (2016). The experience of >adolescents participating in a randomised clinical trial in the field of mental >health: A qualitative study. Trials, 17:364 > > > >Parkinson, S., Eatough, V., Holmes, J., Stapley, E. and Midgley, N. (2016). >Framework Analysis: A worked example of a study exploring young people's >experiences of depression, Qualitative Research in Psychology, 13(2): 109-129. > > > >N.B. The above paper is the back-story (discussion of methodology) of: > > > >Midgley, N., Parkinson, S., Holmes, J., Stapley, E., Eatough, V. and Target, M. >(2015). Beyond a diagnosis: The experience of depression among clinically- >referred adolescents, Journal of Adolescence, 44: 269-79. > > > >Stapley, E., Target, M. and Midgley, N. (2016). Experience of being the parent >of an adolescent with a diagnosis of depression, Journal of Child and Family >Studies, 25(2): 618-630. > > > >Midgley, N., Parkinson, S., Holmes, J., Stapley, E., Eatough, V. and Target, M. >(2016). 'Did I bring it on myself?': How adolescents referred to mental health >services make sense of their own depression. European Child and Adolescent >Psychiatry. > > > >Best wishes, > > > >Nick > > > >Dear colleague, to unsubscribe please use the following URL: > >7tff6