Re: CaFTR A question about RF/attachment Karin Ensink (22 Apr 2016 16:04 CEST)
RE: CaFTR A question about RF/attachment Geoffrey Goodman (22 Apr 2016 16:43 CEST)
Re: CaFTR A question about RF/attachment Karin Ensink (22 Apr 2016 16:51 CEST)
RE: CaFTR A question about RF/attachment Geoffrey Goodman (22 Apr 2016 17:04 CEST)

RE: CaFTR A question about RF/attachment Geoffrey Goodman 22 Apr 2016 16:43 CEST

Hi Karin,

These are great suggestions.  You mentioned an attachment picture completion task.  Are you thinking of the Adult Attachment Projective (Carol George's instrument) or something else?


Geoff Goodman, Ph.D., ABPP, FIPA, CST, CSAT-S, CMAT-S, RPT-S
Associate Professor
Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program
Long Island University
720 Northern Blvd.
Brookville, NY 11548
(516) 299-4277
From: [] on behalf of Karin Ensink []
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2016 10:03 AM
Subject: Re: CaFTR A question about RF/attachment

Dear Anna-Karin

I think your idea to continue with the CAI is a good one.  You can rate the CAI for RF and you might want to focus specifically on the  questions regarding self descriptions as hopefully you will see a consolidation of self and development in mentalizing regarding self (especially if there is an intervention that helps the children to develop this specifically).  I think it is tricky to rate attachment with an attachment interview for this population because the question is attachment to who?  I assume foster carers?  I would wonder whether an attachment picture completion type of test may not be better as it looks at representation that is not linked to a specific carer or parent (as in the CAI), so you would be able to see the change in inner representation more easily.  It also does not rely so much on language as the CAI, something that may be an issue in this population.

To follow up on Geoff’s suggestion regarding the RFQ, I attach the validation article. We have validated the RFQuestionnaire, but the this is really designed for adolescents and I think younger children may have difficulties with the questions.  Perhaps a brief version could work, but given that it is not validated for children, that would be a drawback.  The correlation between RFQ and RF on the CAI is also relatively weak (.3) so it does not measure the same thing.

As you will see from the attached articles Child RF correlates with psychopatho.  RFQ also does.  The question is really what would be best to measure change in representations and mentalizing abilities, isn’t it.  I would tend to go for the RF coding of the self representation questions in the CAI.  RF about others may also be interesting to look at but I am not sure that it will function as a measure of change for this population.

I would be interest in hearing what Nick Midgley will pitch in as I think he is involved with studying a similar population in London.

If you have more questions about measuring child and adolescent RF you are welcome to contact me and discuss backchannel.

Warm regards
Karin Ensink

De : <<>> on behalf of Anna-Karin Åkerman <<>>
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Date : vendredi 22 avril 2016 04:18
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Objet : CaFTR A question about RF/attachment


We would like to consult with you on the question of useful instruments for rating attachment and change of it in children and adolescents in foster homes. We are planning a study with the aim to assess change in attachment security among children and adolescents (about 8 to 18 years old) who are treated in foster homes in Sweden. Some of them stay for a year or two before they move back to their biological parents, some stay until they start living on their own. We have some clinical experience of the Child Attachment Interview. This might be a feasible instrument but as it is quite time-consuming we want to know what alternatives there are before staring the study.

We also intend to study the mental representations of the foster parents of their relationship to the child. We have some experience of rating RF on PDI but have not used it for attachment-to-the-child ratings. We also considered WMCI but that seems to be made for smaller children.

We also intend to rate RF on both foster families and the children/adolescents, by using the PDI for the parents and probably the CAI for the children (although we have used AAI for RF ratings down to about 14 years. Do you have any good ideas about this?

Some of our questions when selecting instruments are whether we can use the same instruments over this long age span (8-18), how sensitive the instruments are to change, how often they can be used (preferably once a year in order to get information from those who leave after a short time).

We hope that you have some ideas about these questions.

Thank you in advance

Anna-Karin Åkerman
Rolf Holmqvist

Linköping University

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