Thank you, Vera, for sharing your research with us. The roles of specific and common factors in child psychotherapy are critical to specify so that we can come closer to answering the question what works for whom, under which circumstances?
Geoff Goodman, Ph.D., ABPP, FIPA, CST, CSAT-S, CMAT-S, CPTT-S, RPT-S
Associate Professor
Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program
Long Island University
720 Northern Blvd.
Brookville, NY 11548
(516) 299-4277
From: [] on behalf of Vera Regina Ramires []
Sent: Monday, August 8, 2022 9:46 PM
Subject: CaFTR New articles
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Dear colleagues,
I would like to let you know about two new studies just published - Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy:
"Association of Attachment and Reflective Function with Baseline Symptoms in Child and Adolescent Psychodynamic Psychotherapy", by Fernanda Munhoz Driemeier Schmidt, Guilherme Fiorini, Amanda Aquino da Costa, Eduardo Brusius Brenner, Lucca Zini Bittencourt & Vera Regina Röhnelt Ramires. It is Open Access:<;!!DeIc-uvKXH9G!9m-3HSF27dLvQyUpDg4c9O1Cf1zSUTWq9YOYc_ArNtI3TjvEfE6HOBxwTt0XxqxZsiJCwiQtO8qg2CWfS3aVi0dsS2Q$>
And the study "The Role of Common and Specific Factors in Child Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: A Grouped Cases Study<;!!DeIc-uvKXH9G!9m-3HSF27dLvQyUpDg4c9O1Cf1zSUTWq9YOYc_ArNtI3TjvEfE6HOBxwTt0XxqxZsiJCwiQtO8qg2CWfS3aV7wOaOwE$>", by Vera Regina Röhnelt Ramires, Amanda Aquino da Costa, Eduardo Brusius Brenner, Gabriela Dionísio Ffner & Guilherme Fiorini. There are 50 free copies available at<*15289168.2022.2103632__;Lw!!DeIc-uvKXH9G!9m-3HSF27dLvQyUpDg4c9O1Cf1zSUTWq9YOYc_ArNtI3TjvEfE6HOBxwTt0XxqxZsiJCwiQtO8qg2CWfS3aVVmlbCF0$>
I hope the articles can be useful and of interest to some of you.
Best wishes,
Vera Ramires.
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