Paper published - operationalized psychodynamic diagnosis in childhood and adolescence (OPD-CA) Katharina Weitkamp (18 Nov 2021 13:37 CET)

Paper published - operationalized psychodynamic diagnosis in childhood and adolescence (OPD-CA) Katharina Weitkamp 18 Nov 2021 13:37 CET

Dear all,

we have recently published a paper on "Operationalized psychodynamic
diagnosis in childhood and adolescence (OPD-CA): Changes across
psychodynamic child and adolescent therapy"

The study focused on psychodynamic concepts – measured with the
Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnosis in Childhood and Adolescence
(OPD-CA) – over the course of therapy and its relation to therapy
outcome. It was first publishe in German, but this is an English
translation of the paper.

If you are intersted, there are 50 free eprints for download at the
following link:

In case you want me to send you a copy of the article, send me a private

Best wishes



Universität Zürich
Dr. Katharina Weitkamp
Psychologisches Institut
Klinische Psychologie
Kinder/Jugendliche & Paare/Familien

Binzmühlestrasse 14/23
CH-8050 Zürich

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