Question: outcome measures for adolescent group therapy Maria Papadima (06 Nov 2020 15:36 CET)
New open access review on shared decision making Daniel Hayes (23 Apr 2021 10:25 CEST)
RE: CaFTR Question: outcome measures for adolescent group therapy Geoffrey Goodman (11 Nov 2020 13:49 CET)

RE: CaFTR Question: outcome measures for adolescent group therapy Geoffrey Goodman 11 Nov 2020 13:48 CET

Hi Maria,

I paid $100 US for unlimited use of the YOQ-30.  That seems very reasonable to me.


Geoff Goodman, Ph.D., ABPP, FIPA, CST, CSAT-S, CMAT-S, RPT-S
Associate Professor
Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program
Long Island University
720 Northern Blvd.
Brookville, NY 11548
(516) 299-4277
From: caftr@psychotherapyresearch.org [caftr@psychotherapyresearch.org]
Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2020 5:14 AM
To: caftr@psychotherapyresearch.org
Subject: Re: CaFTR Question: outcome measures for adolescent group therapy

Thank you Geoff for the suggestion of YOQ

However, I can see that the YOQ needs to be purchased; ie is not freely available. Do you/the research group have any ideas about free to download measures please? They are, I remind, to measure outcomes for adolescent group therapy

If any of you know clinicians who are running adolescent groups I would be very grateful if you could perhaps ask them, in case they know?

Best wishes


Maria Papadima
Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist, SAFE clinic (Enfield CAMHS)
Assistant Editor of the JCP

email: maria.papadima@yahoo.com
mobile: 075 95972496

On Friday, 6 November 2020, 14:58:59 GMT, Geoffrey Goodman <geoffrey.goodman@liu.edu> wrote:



Geoff Goodman, Ph.D., ABPP, FIPA, CST, CSAT-S, CMAT-S, RPT-S
Associate Professor
Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program
Long Island University
720 Northern Blvd.
Brookville, NY 11548
(516) 299-4277

From: caftr@psychotherapyresearch.org<mailto:caftr@psychotherapyresearch.org> [caftr@psychotherapyresearch.org<mailto:caftr@psychotherapyresearch.org>]
Sent: Friday, November 6, 2020 9:35 AM
To: caftr@psychotherapyresearch.org<mailto:caftr@psychotherapyresearch.org>
Subject: CaFTR Question: outcome measures for adolescent group therapy

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Dear all,

I wondered if anyone knows of good outcome measures that can be used before and after for adolescent psychotherapy groups, to measure progress?

Best wishes


Maria Papadima
Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist, SAFE clinic (Enfield CAMHS)
Assistant Editor of the JCP

email: maria.papadima@yahoo.com<mailto:maria.papadima@yahoo.com>

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