RE: CaFTR RE: recommendations for child psychotherapy syllabus for a colleauge Barbara O'Reilly (04 Jun 2019 12:39 CEST)
Re: CaFTR RE: recommendations for child psychotherapy syllabus for a colleauge Byrne Gerry (RNU) Oxford Health (10 Jun 2019 11:56 CEST)

RE: CaFTR RE: recommendations for child psychotherapy syllabus for a colleauge Barbara O'Reilly 04 Jun 2019 11:03 CEST

Dear Nick,

Thank you for sharing, I have recently come across Music, G and will order this book as it looks relevant to my studies.

Kind regards

Barbara O'Reilly
Institute Director - Training, Research and Practice Development
Childhood First
210 Borough High Street
London  SE1 1JX

Tel: 020 7928 7388

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-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Nicholas Midgley
Sent: 03 June 2019 12:34
To:; 'Geoffrey Goodman'; 'Sibel Halfon'; 'Orya Tishby'
Subject: RE: CaFTR RE: recommendations for child psychotherapy syllabus for a colleauge

and for a good introduction to working with maltreated and neglected
children, I'd also suggest:

Music, G (2019) Nurturing Children: From Trauma to Growth using Attachment
Theory, Psychoanalysis and Neurobiology.  Oxford: Routledge

Best wishes,


-----Original Message-----
From: <> On
Behalf Of Nicholas Midgley
Sent: Sunday, June 2, 2019 6:24 PM
To: 'Geoffrey Goodman' <>; 'Sibel Halfon'
<>; 'Orya Tishby' <>;
Subject: CaFTR RE: recommendations for child psychotherapy syllabus for a

If you don't mind, Orya, I'm copying this reply to the CAFTR e-forum, as I
think others might have suggestions (and might also be interested in the
responses shared so far).

To which I would add to those already mentioned, as book-length introductory

Peter Blake, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy (Karnac, 2008)

Steve Tuber and Jane Caflisch, Starting Treatment with Children and
Adolescents (Routledge, 2011)

Deidre Dowling, An Independent Practitioner's Introduction to Child and
Adolescent Psychotherapy (Routledge, 2019)

And for a good overview of the different aspects of the child
psychotherapist's role, different clinical populations, different settings

Monica Lanyado and Ann Horne, The Handbook of Child and Adolescent
Psychotherapy. 2nd edition, 2012.

Best wishes,


-----Original Message-----
From: Geoffrey Goodman <>
Sent: Sunday, June 2, 2019 1:43 PM
To: Sibel Halfon <>; Orya Tishby
Cc: Nick Midgley <>
Subject: RE: recommendations for child psychotherapy syllabus for a

We can also add to the list Nick's fine 2017 book:

Mentalization-Based Treatment for Children:
A Time-Limited Approach
Cover of Mentalization-Based Treatment for Children (medium)
List Price: $69.95
Member/Affiliate Price: $52.46

For individuals in the U.S. & U.S. territories By Nick Midgley, PhD, Karin
Ensink, PhD, Karin Lindqvist, MSc, Norka Malberg, PsyD, and Nicole Muller,


Geoff Goodman, Ph.D., ABPP, FIPA, CST, CSAT-S, CMAT-S, RPT-S Associate
Professor Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program Long Island University
720 Northern Blvd.
Brookville, NY 11548
(516) 299-4277
From: Sibel Halfon []
Sent: Sunday, June 2, 2019 3:03 AM
To: Geoffrey Goodman; Orya Tishby
Cc: Nick Midgley
Subject: Ynt: recommendations for child psychotherapy syllabus for a

Dear Orya,

I use these books in my child psychotherapy course and they have good case
examples for working psychodynamically with children with different

Schmeets, M. G. (2018). Mentalizing in child therapy: Guidelines for
clinical practitioners. Routledge.

Preter, S. E., Shapiro, T., & Milrod, B. (2018). Child and Adolescent
Anxiety Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: A Treatment Manual. Oxford University

Hoffman, L., Rice, T., & Prout, T. (2015). Manual of regulation-focused
psychotherapy for children (RFP-C) with externalizing behaviors: A
psychodynamic approach. Routledge.

Kernberg, P. F., & Chazan, S. E. (1991). Children with conduct disorders: A
psychotherapy manual. Basic Books.



Gönderen: Geoffrey Goodman <>
Gönderildi: 2 Haziran 2019 Pazar 04:05
Kime: Orya Tishby
Bilgi: Nick Midgley; Sibel Halfon
Konu: Re: recommendations for child psychotherapy syllabus for a colleauge

I would recommend Meersand and Gilmore's 2018 book on PDT play therapy.


Geoff Goodman, Ph.D., ABPP, FIPA, CST,
Associate Professor
Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program
Long Island University
720 Northern Blvd.
Brookville, NY 11548
(516) 299-4277

My Site<>
Welcome to Dr. Goodman's website. You will find information about Dr.
Goodman's academic history and credentials, research interests, curriculum
vitae, and helpful information about his courses. The...

On Jun 1, 2019, at 3:07 PM, Orya Tishby
<<>> wrote:

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Hi all
a colleague of mine, who works with children and parents, will teach a child
psychotherapy course in the fall, and is looking for some recommendations-
book chapters, papers - whatever you can recommend. She works in a
psychodynamic orientation but has also learned CPP- child parent
psychotherapy thanks Orya

Orya Tishby
Associate Professor of Practice
Department of Psychology and School of Social Work Director - Freud Center
for Psychoanalytic Research Hebrew University Tel. 052-431-2420

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