Dear all

re: conference panel ideas.

This is a quick email to see if anyone might be interested in being involved in conference panels at the SPR international conference next year in Amsterdam. Presently I’m involved in a few projects that it would be great to link up with others. Below is an overview of some general themes I can see in the work (and some project topics).

The impact of exposure to online sexually explicit material upon young people 

Working in educational settings
The impact of current austerity measures upon the supports schools provide to children and young people
The benefits that school staff see in online mental health support

A project considering what BAME young people think about mental health support 

The deadline is swiftly approaching so do drop me a line asap (please email directly, rather than to the group). If you haven’t seen the call I will need a 250 word abstract to be submitted by the 1st of December. Thus I guess I’d need to know intentions in the next week.

All the best



 Dr Terry Hanley CPsychol AFBPsS | Senior Lecturer in Counselling Psychology | Ellen Wilkinson Building, A6.15 | University of Manchester | Oxford Road | M13 9PL | tel: +44 (0)161 275 8815 | email: (preferred contact)| skype: terry.s.hanley | twitter: @drterryhanley 

Editorial Board member of Counselling Psychology Quarterly and Counselling Psychology Review

For an up to date list of publications (including some downloadable articles) please check out:


Forthcoming (Oct, 2017): The SAGE Handbook of Counselling and Psychotherapy (4th Edition) (with Colin Feltham and Laura Anne Winter)