Dear Nick, I'm afraid I couldn't download that paper.


2015-11-27 11:17 GMT+01:00 <>:

Many thanks Nick – free download worked!

Best wishes



From: [] On Behalf Of Nick Midgley
Sent: 25 November 2015 09:57
Subject: CaFTR Selecting a qualitative methodology


With colleagues we often have discussions about how to select an appropriate qualitative methodology for a particular study, so I thought that I'd share this paper that has just come out, written with my research team on the IMPACT-ME study. It is about how/why we decided to use an approach called Framework Analysis for one particular study - about the experience of adolescent depression - using that study as a worked example of the method. (The paper reporting on the adolescent depression study itself can be found at: ).


From what Routledge have told me, there are 50 free copies that can be downloaded via this website:


Best wishes,



Nick Midgley PhD

Director, MSc in Developmental Psychology & Clinical Practice

Academic Director, PsychD Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy

Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist in Family Support Services

Telephone +44 (0)20 7794 2313



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