Can I encourage people to submit papers for these awards (below) - for both, but especially the New Research Award, which is primarily for trainees and newly-qualified trainees. This journal, Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, is a very good place to try and get doctoral-level research published!
Best wishes,
CPR New Research Award 2016
Submissions are being invited for the CPR New Researcher Award, sponsored by Wiley. The winning entry will receive £100 worth of Wiley book tokens. To be eligible to apply you must currently be a full-time or part-time student or have graduated within the last 24 months, and have completed a research project in the counselling and psychotherapy field. Submissions are in the form of a manuscript and the applicant must be the first author and not have published in any journal previously. Submissions for the award can also be made by having your first article accepted for publication in Counselling and Psychotherapy Research (CPR). The deadline for submissions is Friday 29 January 2016. For details of how to apply, please visit: or email Angela Couchman at
BACP Outstanding Research Award 2016
If you have completed or written up a piece of counselling and psychotherapy research in the past three years then you are eligible to apply for the BACP Outstanding Research Award. This award aims to reward excellence in counselling and psychotherapy research by: enhancing awareness of the evidence base in counselling, psychotherapy and its guiding principles; improving the overall quality of counselling and psychotherapy research by example and encouraging and inspiring future generations of researchers. The winner will be presented with a specially designed plaque at the BACP Research Conference in May 2016 and the deadline for submissions is Friday 29 January 2016. For details of how to apply, please visit: or email Angela Couchman (Research Office Manager) at
Wendy Zhou
CHAIN Manager
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