Congrats Nick!!


Polly Casey
Senior Research Fellow
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From: Hanne-Sofie Johnsen Dahl <>
Sent: 03 March 2023 16:19
To: ChaptreDL <>;; Nick Midgley <>
Subject: EFPP award to Nick Midgley


Dear all
I just want to share that I am listening to Nick talking after receiving the EFPP reward for a research paper. It is off course so very well deserved.


Phd Hanne-Sofie J Dahl
Clinical Psychologist, Psychoanalyst IPA, Group Analyst IGA
Department of Psychology, University of Oslo

tlf: +47 97145384

From: <> on behalf of Nick Midgley <>
Sent: 02 March 2023 19:01:36
To: ChaptreDL;
Subject: CaFTR RE: exploring adolescents’ journeys through an internet-based psychodynamic therapy (I-PDT) for depression


Hi all


Delighted to let you know that this paper, below, has just come out – and there are 50 free copies to download, for those of you who don’t have access via a university.


Best wishes





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Dear Molly MacKean,

Congratulations, we’re delighted to let you know that your final published article (the Version of Record) is now on Taylor & Francis Online.

‘I’ve started my journey to coping better’: exploring adolescents’ journeys through an internet-based psychodynamic therapy (I-PDT) for depression

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Kind regards,

Stewart Gardiner
Global Production Director, Journals
Taylor & Francis Group


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Nick Midgley
Professor of Psychological Therapies for Children and Young People, UCL.
Co-Director of the Child Attachment and Psychological Therapies Research Unit (ChAPTRe).
Academic Programme Director, Doctorate in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy






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