Sorry Jennifer, but I don't know what you're talking about. I'm not involved in such a project, but I'm curious to know why you thought I was?

Best wishes


On 20 Oct 2014, at 15:20, Jenifer Wakelyn <> wrote:

Dear Mark , and all,

I was interested to read about your project for carers of looked-after and adopted children. I am working up a feasibility study to evaluate ‘Watch Me Play!’ ,  a brief intervention to promote attunement and mental health for young children in care and their foster carers . Looks like we may have some areas of common interest – happy to discuss further…

Best wishes, Jenifer


Dr Jenifer Wakelyn

Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist

M80 Clinical Research Co-ordinator

Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust

From: [] On Behalf Of Mark O'Connell
Sent: 28 September 2014 10:34
Subject: Re: Welcome to the CaFTR e-discussion group!


Dear Nick and members of this string,


I'm really pleased to be on this discussion. I have just put in a Feasibility Study Research Bid for the following play-group intervention for enhancing attunement between carers and their newly adopted or looked-after children.


'A feasibility study of the Tune-in Process (TIP) as an intervention for carers

of looked-after and adopted children'.


I am a Child Psychotherapist with my foundation training in Process Oriented Psychology (Dr A Mindell), on which this approach is based. 


I also am the Clinical Lead for the Connect Service for Looked After and Adopted Children in Suffolk UK, and am interested in developing approaches which are effective for this population of children. 


I look forward to discussions with you all over time.




Mark O'Connell



On 28 September 2014 10:24, sandra rafman <> wrote:

Dear Nick,

That is wonderful.


Sandra Rafman, Ph.D.


Clinical Psychologist

Professeure honoraire




On 27 September 2014 11:09, Nick Midgley <> wrote:

Dear colleagues

It has taken us a bit longer than anticipated to launch, but I’m delighted to welcome you to the new, e-discussion group (or listserv) for Child and Family Therapy Research (CaFTR). We hope this will become a space where colleagues can exchange ideas, ask questions, share journal articles that may be of interest, and generally become a virtual forum to promote dialogue among those doing (and/or following) research in child and family therapy.


The group has been set up by the CaFTR special interest group within the Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR). You don’t need to be a member of SPR to take part in this e-group, although we would encourage you to join, as the SPR has an ever-growing body of child and family therapy researchers, who present at SPR conferences and publish in the society’s journal, Psychotherapy Research. See  for more info about SPR.


We hope that using this e-forum will be fairly easy. If you wish to post something, simply send an email to and all members of this e-forum (already over 200) will receive your email. You can reply to messages by using ‘reply to all’. (If for some reason you want to reply privately to a person who sent a message, please use their personal email address). If you are starting a new topic, it would be helpful if you can put the topic name in the ‘subject’ line, so that others can see what your email is about.


The group depends entirely on the enthusiasm and activity of its members, so if you would like this forum to thrive, please do a) send your own questions or b) updates about your own research activity, and reply when others have questions that you can help with. We welcome students and trainees as well as more experienced therapy researchers, so please don’t hesitate to speak up, and make use of the collective wisdom of the group!


If anyone wishes to unsubscribe from this e-forum, simply send an email to Sven Schneider at . It is also possible that some of you may have been registered more than once, and will receive multiple copies of each email. If so, please let Sven know and he’ll try and sort the problem out.


Best wishes – and looking forward to interesting discussions!


Nick Midgley

On behalf of the CaFTR special interest group




Mark O'Connell - Child Psychotherapist (Northern Guild UKCP HIPS) Process Oriented Psychologist - Team Leader Connect Service for Looked-after and adopted children - Suffolk.


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