Professor Angela Abela PhD Department of Family Studies Faculty for Social Wellbeing University of Malta
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The CAFTR Steering Committee is very excited to launch our first journal club. We hope this will be a space to get together regularly and discuss latest papers in the field of child, adolescent and family therapy.For each of our meetings, we will be selecting one or two papers around a common theme. We will aim to look for papers that were recently published by CAFTR members as well as other papers that may be of interest to the group.
Each journal club will be facilitated by one of the CAFTR members and invited presenters will discuss their papers. We will be circulating the papers to be discussed before our meetings and the participants will be able share their comments and questions for group discussion.
In our March meeting, to take place on March 23rd, 2022 6:00 PM-7:00 PM Central European Time, we will discuss two recent papers on therapeutic alliance by Vera Gergov and Antonella Cirasola with my moderation.
Our theme will be “Evaluating Therapeutic Alliance Across Different Treatments and Informants”.
Articles to be Discussed:
- Cirasola, A., Midgley, N., Fonagy, P., IMPACT Consortium, & Martin, P. (2021). The therapeutic alliance in psychotherapy for adolescent depression: Differences between treatment types and change over time. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration. Advance online publication.
- Gergov, V., Marttunen, M., Lindberg, N., Lipsanen, J., & Lahti, J. (2021). Therapeutic alliance: A comparison study between adolescent patients and their therapists. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(21), 11238.
We aim to discuss questions such as:
- Is there better therapeutic alliance in certain treatments than others?
- Does therapeutic alliance change differently across treatments?
- Do adolescents and therapists rate their level of therapeutic alliance differently and which combination of ratings predicts good outcome or premature termination?
We also look forward to hearing your questions and comments for a lively interactive discussion!
We will use the Zoom platform in the format of an interactive video conference meeting. A meeting invitation will be sent before the meeting.Please find the details of our meeting attached and register here Registration is free and the club is open to all colleagues and students.
Gezegenimizin 12 ayda ürettiği kaynakları 7 ayda tüketmeyelim. Sürdürülebilir bir hayat için gezegenimizin bize sunduklarına ve onun sınırlarına saygı duyalım.
Let’s not consume within 7 months the resources our planet produces in 12. For a sustainable life, let's respect the boundaries and offerings of our planet.Bu elektronik posta ve onunla iletilen bütün dosyalar sadece göndericisi tarafından alması amaçlanan yetkili gerçek ya da tüzel kişinin kullanımı içindir. Eğer söz konusu yetkili alıcı değilseniz bu elektronik postanın içeriğini açıklamanız, kopyalamanız, yönlendirmeniz ve kullanmanız kesinlikle yasaktır ve bu elektronik postayı derhal silmeniz gerekmektedir. İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi bu mesajın içerdiği bilgilerin doğruluğu veya eksiksiz olduğu konusunda herhangi bir garanti vermemektedir. Bu nedenle bu bilgilerin ne şekilde olursa olsun içeriğinden, iletilmesinden, alınmasından ve saklanmasından sorumlu değildir. Bu mesajdaki görüşler yalnızca gönderen kişiye aittir ve İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi’nin görüşlerini yansıtmayabilir.
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