Dear CAFTR members,
I am delighted to share with you a very exciting update. TREATme, which is one of the largest European Networks established to improve our knowledge on individualized psychotherapy of young people with mental disorders is forming a collaboration with CAFTR. The
main aim of TREATme is to establish a sustainable multidisciplinary researcher network focusing on individualized psychotherapy for young people with mental disorders. TREATme has been conducting systematic reviews, meta-analyses and establishing guidelines to
determine which psychotherapy treatments will be most effective for youth. This work has culminated into very significant and interesting results on moderators, mediators and outcome measures of youth psychotherapy.
I am extending a warm welcome to all TREATme members who have recently joined the list-serve. I also wanted to welcome Dr. Julian Edbrooke-Childs, who joined our Steering Committee as a representative of TREATme.
I want to invite Prof. Randi Ulberg, the chair of TREATme, and other TREATme members to share with us some of the work that has been going on in TREATme. I will start by saying that I have been a member of one of the working groups on age customized process
and treatment measures. We are working on a systematic review evaluating measurement properties of therapeutic alliance measures that can be used with youth. It has been a great experience to get to know other researchers who are doing psychotherapy research
with youth, as well as work towards understanding better and improving the treatment processes with this population. It would be great if other members of TREATme would like to share the kinds of work that they have been doing.
Also, Dr. Tamara Prevendar offered to share some of the interviews that were done with TREATme members about their work and experiences in TREATme. Tamara, can I ask you to share these with CAFTR members? Hopefully, this will give CAFTR members a chance to
get to know TREATme members and a sense of the significant work that has been going on in TREATme.
This association between TREATme and CAFTR will grow our collaborative research network. Welcome again all TREATme members!