Dear Daniel,

Thank you for sharing this paper on very interesting topic. I'm looking forward on hearing results from the further study with young people and their guardians.

Best wishes,
Vera Gergov


Vera Gergov

Chief for Professional Affairs

Lic A Psychology; specialist degree in psychotherapy, psychotherapist

The Finnish Psychological Association

Lähettäjä: <> käyttäjän Daniel Hayes <> puolesta
Lähetetty: maanantai 28. syyskuuta 2020 11.06
Vastaanottaja: <>; chAPTRe <>
Aihe: CaFTR New paper out: clinicians perspectives of harm from talking therapies
Dear all,

I hope you are all safe and well.

I am pleased to announce that our paper 'Exploring harm in psychotherapy: Perspectives of clinicians working with children and young people’ is now available to read online, open access, in Counselling and Psychotherapy Research.: . We have set up a further study to explore perspectives from young people and parents and guardians starting this year.

I hope it is of interest to some of you and would welcome any thoughts or reflections.

Best wishes,


Daniel Hayes PhD
Trials Manager Education for Wellbeing (AWARE and INSPIRE)
Tel: 0207 443 2220
Ext: 1144

Tel: +44 (0)20 7794 2313

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